Thursday, October 4, 2007

Leaving Monday...

and I'm not ready!! But there's still time - - four whole days.

Anyway, this will be my blog on mi vida ecuatoriana, my Ecuadorian life.

The basics:
Monday I fly out for Quito, Ecuador, South America. I'll have a couple of days to see friends and see the city before the teachers' meetings begin Thursday. Over the weekend I'll hopefully get settled into an apartment somewhere and Monday the teaching begins!

I'll be teaching at the Escuela Politecnia Nacional in the center of Quito until December 14 when I fly home for my graduation ceremonies. Then I return to Quito to teach January through August, 2008.

After that? Who knows.


Anonymous said...

Have fun, I'm very envious, don't do anything I wouldn't do (although remember I was in Guinness as the world's first man to do everything), and don't drink the water. Just to be safe.

Also... Joanna B? What's the B stand for?

Whitney Boone said...

yay joanna!! im so excited for you. Let me know if you get a chance to see any of our sponsor kids! have so much fun and be so careful!! chow!!

Josie said...

¡Que lo pases bien en Quito! Saludo a todos allí especialmente a Geovanna en Carmen Bajo! Thanks for all your work at St. Mary's..the girls miss you!

Unknown said...



I'm so glad to have recieved the email from you- the one that led me to your blog. :) JOOOOOOOOOO-- I'm such an ass for not following through in June when I visited Memphis. More amazing excuses later-- But back to the event at hand, which is that you are leaving for Equador! Good luck, my friend, and I look forward to hearing from you while you are gone from the US.

Much love,
from a big dork,

Regina D said...

I am so happy for you! I know your new students will learn so much! ~ Wyatt is holding his own these days. Lots of meds. As usual, all my puppy man wants to do is please me. Typical for a golden you know. ~ Be careful! Thank you for keeping in touch with us! ~ Oh yea, what does the "B" stand for? ~ ¡Beunos suerte!

Jenna-soon to be- Patton said...

i know being a spanish major and all i probably should be typing my good lucks and be carefuls to you in spanish...but my brain is way too tired to think in spanish tonight lol...anyway....i wish you the best of luck and will be praying for your safety...and i am going to try my best to figure out a way to come down and visit...sometime before you leave anyway....well talk to you soon!

hasta luego

Joanna B. said...

Wow! Thanks for all the comments. I love you guys and really appreciate the support.

I haven´t figured out how to reply individually so Í hope you guys see this...

The ¨B¨is for banana!

Whitney and Josie - I´m going to Carmen the 22!

Frank - so úh... I´ll do whatever then.

Jen - I love you dearly.

Josie - do they really miss me? I miss them too! haha.

Regina - Give Wyatt a hug, I hope he feels better with the meds. I know he´s happy to be with you.

Jenna soon to be Patton - I can´t wait to hear about your own adventures, too. It would be great to see you here!

Laurie said...

I am so envious and happy for you! I sure wish I was with you! Please give everyone in Carmen Bajo a big hug and kiss for me! I have 5 kids there but won't ask you to hunt them down for me. I hope to get there next year...a couple of times!
Love you! I'll be in touch.